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  • Last modified on Monday, 26 June 2023 12:18

High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF) Receives Award for its Impact on International Competitiveness of Local Companies



CyI’s High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF) was awarded an honorary distinction at the 2021 Export Awards organized by the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry for its significant contribution and impact for the promotion of international competitiveness of local businesses.
The award ceremony took place on Monday, June 26, 2023, at the Presidential Palace in Nicosia, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Nicos Christodoulides, President of the Republic. Receiving the award on behalf CyI were CyI President, Prof. Stavros Malas and the Head of HPCF, Dr. George Tsouloupas.
The mission of the High Performance Computing Facility is to provide Advanced computing ICT services to CyI and its Research Centres and act as the national supercomputing facility for Cyprus providing computational and data resources to the research and innovation community of Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean region.
The multi-million HPC infrastructure of the Cyprus institute is sustained through national and European funds and throughout the last decade the Facility has had a major impact on the competitiveness of local industry through the provision of advanced computing and support.

overview of access to hpc for typical year

Overview of access to HPC for a typical year

Since its inception, the Facility has spearheaded HPC in the region providing computational capacity bundled with related services, such as engineering, training and support. This is a key differentiator from the proliferating public cloud companies since the support provided by CyI engineers empowers small and medium-sized companies that lack such in-house expertise. Initially aimed at academia, the HPC Facility now has a growing number of industrial customers from Greece, Lebanon in addition to Cyprus.

The Cyprus Institute’s HPC Facility has played a significant supporting role in a wide range of industries ranging from ICT to Farming and Agriculture, and Maritime. Whether it is for the development of computing algorithms for advanced medical imaging equipment, support of farming for the production of Halloumi and other local produce (through collaboration with the national Agricultural Research Institute), or the development of services for the world-wide Maritime industry for real-time weather-informed intelligent ship routing, tens of Cypriot companies with an outward facing international market have benefited from the Infrastructure of the Institute and the expertise of its engineers.
In the near future this support will be further strengthened through the operation of the European Digital Innovation Hub (“DiGiNN” project) for AI, HPC and other advanced digital technologies, which was recently awarded to CyI through a European competitive process, but also via the continuing operation of the CyI-hosted National HPC Competence Center.




  • Last modified on Monday, 12 June 2023 13:19

CyI Innovation Workshop: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Industry in Cyprus



The first Innovation Workshop and Speed Networking Event, organized by The Cyprus Institute, brought together the country's academic and business community


The first “Innovation Workshop and Speed ​​Networking Event” was successfully organized by The Cyprus Institute in collaboration with the Association of Research and Innovation Companies of Cyprus (CARIE), and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), with the support of the EU funded projects “EUROCC2” “EMME-CARE”, and the European Digital Innovation Hub in Cyprus - “DiGiNN” project.
This workshop aimed at initiating a collaboration between the Institute's researchers and Cypriot companies, which are actively involved in applied research and innovation, with the ultimate goal of creating synergies and meaningful partnerships for knowledge transfer, and also the development of products and services that can significantly enhance the competitiveness of the ecosystem of high-tech and deep-tech companies in Cyprus.
The particular workshop – the first of many initiatives planned for the future – focused on the creation of synergies for the transfer of knowledge, but also on the development of products and services that can significantly strengthen the competitiveness of the ecosystem of companies that produce high-tech products and applications in Cyprus. At the same time, a main objective was the smooth transition for the digital transformation Cyprus and its transition into a knowledge-based economy.
The agenda of the workshop included presentations about the “DiGINN Hub” as well as presentations from CyI’s Center Directors – Prof. Fadi Comair, Director of EEWRC, Prof. Michel Menu, Director of STARC, Prof. Constantine Dovrolis, Director of CaSToRC, Prof. Jean Sciare, Director of CARE-C, and Prof. Theodoros Zachariades, Director of STEDI-RC.
Additionally, Dr Chrysanthia Leontiou, CyI Head of the Graduate School presented the graduate school programs and opportunities for collaboration with the companies and Dr Panayiota Katsamba, CyI Managing Coordinator, talked about CyI’s strategic plan in facilitating the Digital Transformation of Cyprus. Mr. Fabio Montagnino, CyI Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Directorate (IED), gave an overview on how his team is working towards “bridging” the gap between research and industry in Cyprus.
During the workshop, a speed-networking event between CyI researchers and company representatives, also took place. Company delegations had the opportunity to have a guided tour of the Institute's laboratories and research facilities.
Workshop attendees included CARIE member companies such as ADDITESS (Advanced Integrated Technology Solutions & Services Ltd), Advanced Materials Design and Manufacturing Ltd, AI Zerocaliber Ltd, CELLOC LTD, CYRIC Cyprus Research And Innovation Center Ltd, Ecliptic Defense and Space, EFEVRE TECH LTD, Elysee Irrigation Ltd, EMBIO Diagnostics, Lumoscribe, NOVATEX SOLUTIONS LTD, SignalGeneriX, Malloc Limited, eBOS Technologies Ltd, the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), Cyprus Seeds, and research staff from The Cyprus Institute.
Prof. Stavros Malas, President of The Cyprus Institute, Dr Tasos Kounoudes, President of CARIE, and Mr. Marios Tsiakkis, Secretary General of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry addressed the event, which took place under the auspices of the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Mr. Filippos Hadjizacharia.



  • Last modified on Thursday, 01 June 2023 06:29

“Meet the FIVE Face to Face”: Cyprus Discovers its Identity Through its History

From left to right: Mrs. Giota Papadopoulou, Prof. Stavros Malas, Mrs. Philippa Karsera-Christodoulides, Dr Kirsi Lorentz and Mr. Michalis Hatzigiannis

Contemporary Cypriot culture and the historical signature of the past was highlighted at the event “Meet the 5 Face to Face” organized by The Cyprus Institute and the Department of Antiquities, in the presence of the First Lady, Mrs. Philippa Karsera-Christodoulides and the Deputy Minister of Culture Mr. Michalis Hatzigiannis.

 Jewellery, fashion, ceramics, wine and culinary art, inspired by Cypriot history but with modern aesthetics and for the contemporary palate were presented, showcasing the island's rich cultural heritage through the energising marriage of the modern and the old.
In particular, the ceramic artist Efthimios Symeou, the jewellery designer Yiannos Ioannou, the fashion designer Kika Ioannidou, the oenologist Sofocles Vlassidis and the culinary artist Roddy Damalis presented their work, interlaced with historical theatrical readings of real-life stories from the Chalcolithic, Greco-Roman and medieval period.
Five stories of people who lived in Cyprus in the past were brought to life through creative storytelling, using technology including augmented reality, sound and image. Five people of yesterday returned to the Cyprus of today, as a result of the detailed scientific analyses of their remains, illuminating aspects of the daily life of our ancestors in relation to the modern era.
The event took place on Tuesday, May 30th, at the Cyprus Museum and is part of the broader project entitled “Face to Face: Meet an Ancient Cypriot”, led by CyI Assoc. Professor Kirsi Lorentz, which aims to valorize research results for tourist engagement, through their contact with the cultural heritage and history of Cyprus.
The results of the scientific research within the context of this project, could become an important contributor in the efforts to upgrade Cyprus’ tourism product, giving the country a huge competitive advantage and at the same time contributing to the stimulation of the economy.
In his welcoming address, President of The Cyprus Institute, Dr Stavros Malas, highlighted the work of CyI and its researchers, who have the expertise to reproduce even the lives of people of ancient times, and at the same time the ability to turn archaeological findings into an object of curiosity for the public, inducing knowledge acquisition. “The Cyprus Institute will continue to be at the forefront, next to society and the state”, he said.
On behalf of the Director of the Department of Antiquities, Ms. Eftychia Zachariou, Curator of Antiquities, noted that this result is a 4-year effort, which bridges the gap between yesterday and today. This program, she explained, places the life of the ancient Cypriots at the center, decoding the evidence from their skeletal remains, and thus giving them a voice, so that these can contribute towards the creation of cultural routes and alternative tourism products.
The Deputy Minister of Culture, Mr. Michalis Hatzigiannis, spoke about utilizing the results of The Cyprus Institute's scientific research in such a creative and successful way. This project, he said, is a manifestation of the creativity of Cypriot culture at its finest. “This project is fuelled by a synergistic and creative energy, which results in the marriage of the ancient and the modern in Cyprus”, he noted.
Host Organisation: The Cyprus Institute. Contributing partners include: Department of Antiquities, Deputy Ministry of Tourism, Cyprus University of Technology, ACTA, ACTE, Limassol Development Agency, Vlassides Winery, Roddy Damalis, Yiannos Ioannou of Nikos Ioannou Jewelers, Studio Ceramics,TOP KINISIS Travel PLC, Kika Ioannidou, and the participating foreign research organizations, University of Cambridge and University of Bradford.
The project “The Face to Face: Meet an Ancient Cypriot” is funded by the Research Innovation Foundation, and involves academics, researchers as well as social and governmental bodies. As part of this project, an exhibition titled “FIVE / ΠΕΝΤΕ” Face to Face: Meet an Ancient Cypriot” is taking place at the Cyprus Museum from 31st of March until 17th of September 2023.
Further information here:




  • Last modified on Friday, 21 April 2023 12:53

Tracing History at the Monastery of St. John Lampadistis: Sharing APAC / STARC Research at Kalopanagiotis

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On the occasion of the International Day of Monuments and Sites, 18th of April 2023, and in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities, the Bishopric of Morphou, the village of Kalopanagiotis and the British High Commission, CyI’s Andreas Pittas Art Characterization Laboratories (APAC Labs) organized a day-long event at the UNESCO world heritage site of the Monastery of St. John Lampadistis in the village of Kalopanagiotis. The “Tracing History at the Monastery of St. John Lampadistis” event was part of the broader program of APAC Labs events celebrating three years of operations.

Visitors were welcomed by the mayor of the village of Kalopanagiotis Mr. Lambrou, the British Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Ben Rawlings, and STARC Director, Dr. Michel Menu. The Director of the Department of Antiquities, Dr. Marina Solomidou-Ieronymidou and the Metropolitan of Morphou Neophytos conveyed their greetings and support.

The event offered guided tours and focused presentations on the interdisciplinary research work pursued at the site by APAC Labs / STARC specialists and other experts. Throughout the monastic complex, specialists were on hand to provide spotlight presentations on the various studies APAC Labs has performed at the site. Assoc. Professor Nikolas Bakirtzis, introduced visitors to the history, the art and architecture of the Byzantine monastery.

Mia Gaia Trentin and Stelios Irakleous provided key insights into the studies of historic graffiti and Karamanli pilgrims at the monastery. Raphael Moreau, CyI PhD candidate, presented preliminary results of an ongoing multi-sensored analysis of wall paintings in the monastic church. Another PhD candidate, Mehmetcan Soyluoglu, introduced visitors to dendrochronological research and sampling of the site’s wooden heritage. Assoc. Professor Sorin Hermon and PhD candidate Luciarita Nunziata offered a look at the processes for capturing 3D data of the site and documenting environmental challenges and threats.

Finally, PhD student Nicolette Vollero Levy gave a tour of the Monastery’s icon museum, highlighting new information about icons revealed by APAC Labs’ technical analysis. Andriana Nikolaidou, Rahaf Orabi, Antonia Agapiou, Soodabeh Sajadi, Valentina Vassalo and Anastasia Tsanga contributed to the preparation and the organization of the successful event which was well attended by numerous groups of local and international visitors.

Working in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities, APAC Labs / STARC have been studying the rich heritage of the famous UNESCO-listed Painted Churches of the Troodos Mountains. Overall, there are ten church monuments included on the World Heritage List, all richly decorated with murals, providing an overview of Byzantine and post-Byzantine painting in Cyprus. These sites feature art and architecture that reflect the cultural life of Cyprus in the Byzantine and Medieval periods located at the crossroads of Mediterranean maritime connections and cultural exchanges between East and West. APAC Labs’ research provides a holistic approach to the documentation, analysis and preservation of these important monuments including a broad range of methods such as physico-chemical analysis of the materials used in the wall paintings and the icons of these churches, 3D documentation and visualization, dendrochronology, structural archaeology and the novel study of Medieval and Early Modern graffiti. Furthermore, the study of Byzantine and post-Byzantine monasticism and the complex role of pilgrimage, cult and ritual in the formation of cultural identity through time are central themes that provide the necessary context for the effective utilization of science and technology, like in the case of the Troodos churches.

Thanks to the generous support of Dr. Andreas Pittas, APAC Labs / STARC researchers have been developing task-specific service protocols related to material characterization and data integration, address issues of provenance, and assess the state of preservation of works of art, archaeological objects and monuments. The organization of the APAC day at Kalopanagiotis allowed the opportunity to share exciting research results and to promote the meaningful use of science and technology in the ways we study, preserve and understand the past and the precious cultural heritage of Cyprus.

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  • Last modified on Thursday, 06 April 2023 07:29

“sCYence Fair 2023”: Science and Innovation for Tomorrow’s Young Researchers


The largest and most innovative Science Festival of Cyprus, “sCYence Fair 2023”, was successfully co-organized by The Cyprus Institute and the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute’s Education Unit for the Environment and Sustainable Development. The event took place under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, at The Cyprus Institute’s premises, on Wednesday, 5th of April 2023.

“sCYence Fair” aims to stimulate scientific interest and to encourage participation by young students and support the next generation of scientists from Cyprus attended. The event provided an opportunity for our young scientists to increase their awareness of the wonders of science, add to their knowledge, and broaden their scientific horizons.
This year’s festival was supported by the representation of the European Commission in Cyprus, and together with Embassies of EU Member States in Cyprus presented scientific activities, experiments and products that brought children closer to real life, modern technology.
An unprecedented number of 67 student teams from students at all levels from schools across the private and public sector in Cyprus. The students presented innovative scientific activities, while the best and most imaginative activities and presentations from Primary, Secondary and High Schools were awarded in their respective categories on the basis of the underlying science, the impact, and overall presentation of the activity.

The winners in the three categories were:

Primary Schools:

Winner: Primary School Chryseleousas: Roads in Harmony with Nature

2nd Place: B’ Primary School of Xylofagou: A vast sea of energy

3rd Place: B’ Primary School of Agios Athanasios: Addressing the problem of plastic on our planet


Winner: Gymnasium Kokkinochorion Panos Ioannou: The Shellhive

2nd Place: Archaggelos Gymnasium: Robot Firefighters

3rd Place: Gymnasium Livadion in collaboration with Gymnasium Aradippou: Study of Insect Activities Scantius Aegyptius and Pyrrhocoris Apterus


Winner: Pascal English School Larnaca: Audito: Giving a voice to the voiceless

2nd Place: A’ TESEK Nicosia: Examples of Angular Acceleration from everyday life & “Weighing the Universe” Investigating the Differences Between Mass and Weight on Various Planets Using Arduino on a Bathroom Scale

3rd Place: Laniteio Lyceum: Natural remains of P. Oceanica seagrass are converted into phosphorus absorption ally and become fertilizer

Honourable Mention:
TESEK Paphos – Lyceum Kykkou Paphos: Using Educational Robotics for volumetric Analysis

The winning teams were awarded internships at The Cyprus Institute and team members will have the chance to broaden their skills and knowledge by being mentored from experienced CyI researchers.

The “sCYence Fair 2023” opening ceremony was addressed by the First Lady, Mrs. Philippa Karsera-Christodoulides, in the presence of CyI President, Prof. Stavros Malas, the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Mr. Filippos Hadjizacharias, the Ambassador of Sweden in Cyprus, the country holding the EU presidency this semester, H.E. Mr. Martin Hagstrom, and the Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Commission Office in Cyprus, Mr. Nicolas Isaris.
In his welcoming address, CyI President, Prof. Stavros Malas, stated that “sCYence Fair 2023, which has now become an institution, aims to cultivate and highlight research in Cyprus society. Progress is synonymous with investment in knowledge and research. It is obligation of the current generation to hand over to the next a better culture of research”. Prof. Malas also stated that students need to invest in knowledge, primarily taking care of the planet, which is threatened by the climate change. At the same time, he gave special thanks to the Ambassador of Sweden, whose country presides over the EU, while underlining the importance of the participation of other member states of EU with their own booths at the “sCYence Fair”.
Initiatives such as the “sCYence Fair 2023”, contribute significantly to the development of an ecosystem of research, innovation and entrepreneurship, and promote the formation of the new generation of scientists”, stated Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Mr. Filippos Hadjizacharias. Using the words of the British writer Philip Stanhope, he indicated that if “we do not plant the tree of knowledge when we are young, it will not give us its shadow when we are old”. At the same time, he encouraged the students to believe in their abilities and become the wind of change that the country needs, because as he said, Cyprus may be a small country, but it has big minds.
In his speech, the Ambassador of Sweden, H.E. Mr. Hagstrom, noted that “sCYence Fair 2023” summarizes many of the priorities of the Swedish EU Presidency, such as the green transition, mitigating the effects of climate change and investing in innovation, which is, as he said, the means for this green transition and addressing environmental challenges, as well as the means to become more competitive. He even invited everyone to visit the Swedish booth and learn about an innovative bicycle helmet with airbags, which is placed around the neck and offers great safety to cyclists.
The Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Commission Office in Cyprus, Mr. Nikolaos Isaris, congratulated The Cyprus Institute for organizing the event which, as he pointed out, enables children to learn through experiment and play. At the same time, he indicated that digital skills and engagement with science and technology are among the main priorities of the European Year of Skills, which is being celebrated this year by the member states of the European Union.
Announcing the opening of this year’s “sCYence Fair”, the First Lady, Mrs. Philippa Karsera-Christodoulides highlighted that this initiative contributes to the development and progress of our country. “Today, it is a particularly special day because it focuses on science, innovation and progress, areas that will lead Cyprus to the next era, which will be greener, more innovative and humane”. The First Lady recalled a statement by the President of the Republic who indicated that the greatest wealth of Cyprus is its human resources and which is why, as he noted, that we must invest in education and training, in order to achieve what we all seek: progress.

The multi-collective and rich program of “sCYence Fair 2023”, included among others:

  • Educational Applications of Virtual Reality
  • Presentation of STEM & Robotics Programs
  • The largest Planetarium in the Eastern Mediterranean for exploring the World that extends beyond what the naked eye can see
  • Participation of the mobile Planetarium “Starlab” in which attendees had the opportunity to watch a simulation of the starry sky and tour distant constellations, the Milky Way and our solar system, discovering the world of the future
  • Participation of the European Commission with presentation of programming activities and assembly of computers with Raspberry Pi and programming exercises with BBC Micro:bit
  • The Embassies of Sweden, France, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Netherlands and Spain educated the public on interesting topics such as: How kites help islands to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, how a barrow can help remove microplastics from the oceans and how magnets fight cancer
  • Presentation of innovative activities by researchers of The Cyprus Institute
  • Robotics Exhibition using Robots from First Tech Challenge (FTC) on a regular 4X4 meter track
  • Physics Decathlon for experiential activity with ten interesting Physics experiments for young and old
  • Presentation of the SEMEP International Program (South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Project), which is coordinated by UNESCO and promotes scientific study and research on environmental issues
  • Exhibition of Prestigio multiboards for training and Security Dogs robots in action

Additionally, Christiana Artemiou and Sofia Proimou conveyed the pulse of the biggest science celebration, through a live link of Love FM Cyprus Radio Station.

Major Sponsors: ExxonMobil, XM, CYTA
Sponsors: Medochemie, MUSKITA Aluminium Industries Ltd, Asbis
Supporters: Cyprus Computer Society, Epiteugma Robotics Lab, Interstellar Science Education and Cultural Institute, The Cyprus Planetarium, Engino, Nutty Scientists, Decathlon Physics, Heron Digital Education & Mathisis, STS Events
Media Sponsor: Kathimerini



  • Last modified on Wednesday, 08 March 2023 12:10

The Cyprus Institute Awarded a Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Award for 2023

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The Cyprus Institute is among the winners of a Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) Award for 2023, announced recently during the 17th General Assembly which took place in Rabat, Morocco in early March.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) is an international organization, bringing together 34-member parliaments from the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions to discuss and face critical issues, such as regional conflicts, security and counter-terrorism, humanitarian crises, economic integration, climate change, mass migrations, education, human rights and inter-faith dialogue.

The President of the House of Representatives, Mrs. Annita Demetriou, submitted CyI’s nomination in a letter to the PAM, following a proposal by the Cypriot delegation to the Assembly consisting of MPs Mr. Andreas Pasiourtides, Mrs. Rita Theodorou-Superman, Mr. Christos Orphanidis and Mr. Charalambos Theopemptou.

In announcing the award, Mrs. Demetriou noted that the awards are given every year to personalities and organizations from the political, economic, social, cultural, scientific, sport, journalism and artistic communities, who contribute through their actions to establish bridges among the peoples of the region so as to foster understanding, mutual respect, socio-economic cooperation, political dialogue, confidence building and conflict solution. In particular, this year, she added, emphasis was placed on the environment, a field in which The Cyprus Institute particularly excels.

“I warmly congratulate The Cyprus Institute for this award, as it is another recognition of the excellent technological and interdisciplinary work carried out at the Institute. Additionally, the award highlights the Institute’s important contributions to the formation of the Regional Action Plan within the context of supporting the Initiative of the Republic of Cyprus to deal with Climate Change in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East region, as well as its contributions to research and innovation. I wish The Cyprus Institute every success in its current and future endeavours”, Mrs. Demetriou said.

The Cyprus Institute is the second Cypriot Institution in a row to win the award, following last year’s award to the Karaiskakeio Foundation.

  • Last modified on Monday, 20 February 2023 09:50

Change of Leadership: Handover Ceremony for Newly Appointed CyI President and Chair of Board of Trustees


Prof. Malas delivering his speech. Seated, from left to right Dr Andreas Pittas, Prof. Costas Papanicolas, Prof. Didier Roux, Prof. Edouard Brezin, Dr Michalis Yiangou, and via video Prof. Dan-Olof Riska

The Cyprus Institute held a handover ceremony to mark the occasion of the leadership changes that recently took place at the Institute: on February 1st 2023, Prof. Stavros Malas officially assumed his duties as new President of CyI, taking over from Founding President of the Institute and CEO of The Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CREF), Prof. Costas Papanicolas; on the same day, Prof. Didier Roux assumed duties as the new Chair of the Board of Trustees, taking over from Prof. Dan-Olof Riska.

The ceremony was held on Friday, 17th of February 2023 at CyI’s premises. The event was addressed by the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, Dr Andreas Pittas and former Chair of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Edouard Brezin. 

In his welcome speech, Dr Pittas thanked Prof. Dan-Olof Riska, whose personality and wisdom guided CyI for five years and was instrumental in guiding the Institute and addressing all the issues that arose. He then welcomed Prof. Roux to his new position and wished him success in his new role. Dr Pittas emphasized Prof. Papanicolas’ immense contributions and absolute dedication to CyI, and expressed his support to Prof. Malas, saying that the Executive Committee will always be on his side to assist him in his new duties.
In his talk, Prof. Brezin credited Prof. Papanicolas for the extraordinary achievement of establishing and gaining international recognition for The Cyprus Institute in such a short period of time. “Prof. Malas inheres this precious gift. CyI is not a new-born now, however it needs considerable attention and support from the community to take CyI further and higher on its remarkable journey”, he said.
During the handover ceremony Professors Riska, Papanicolas, Roux and Malas briefly talked to the staff about the Institute’s goals and future plans.
Prof. Riska noted “It is my privilege to hand over the Chair to Prof. Roux. There is nothing I can tell to Prof. Roux that he does not already know for CREF and CyI from his long service, as a CREF Trustee and as a Member of the Executive Committee. Prof. Roux has all the experience for overseeing the efforts at CyI to create innovation to be translated in commercial products”.
Prof. Roux stated “We have now in front of us a big challenge. We went through difficult times as well as exciting times. I feel that CyI is now at its best, but there is always room to expand and improve”.
Prof. Papanicolas highlighted that the handover ceremony is at the crossroads between fundamental science and expertise. “I certainly feel gratified that our institution was recently evaluated by a truly world-class, demanding Committee. This Committee was very pleased to have the opportunity to interact with the next President and to listen to his carefully crafted presentation. His knowledge ensures that he will be immediately in a capacity to act and lead the transformation that CyI needs”, he added.
Prof. Malas stated that he is truly honoured to assume his new position, especially since has been a long-standing friend of The Cyprus Institute from the very beginning. “We wouldn’t be able to have achieved what we have today, unless there was vision, stamina, plan and above all Prof. Papanicolas, who steered this idea into success. Now we have to navigate to even more challenging times together”, he added.
The occasion was an opportunity for CyI staff and researchers to meet in person the newly appointed CyI President and Chair of Board of Trustees, and to express their gratitude and appreciation for the departing President and Chair for their instrumental contributions in elevating the profile of The Cyprus Institute, both nationally and internationally.
A ceremony unveiling portraits of Past Chairs of the Board, also took place at the end of the ceremony, and Professors Papanicolas, Riska and Brezin (former Chair of the Board of Trustees) were presented with a gift of a silver pomegranate tree symbolizing good luck for their future endeavours. Special tribute was also made for the late Prof. Hubert Curien, first Chair of the Board of Trustees.
You can watch the handover ceremony here.

Prof. Stavros Malas, New President of The Cyprus Institute
Prof. Stavros Malas holds a BSc and PhD in Genetics from University College London. Subsequent to his postgraduate studies, he worked for the Medical Research Council-Clinical Sciences Centre at Imperial College. In 2001, he moved to Cyprus and joined the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING).

Over the last twenty years he has undertaken many EC advisory roles in policy development: Special Advisor to Commissioner for Health, elected first President of the Innovative Medicines Initiative-States Representatives Group, member of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and member of the Program Committee for Health. In 2012, he led a European project which developed a strategy for Innovative Health care provision about “Building an Open Innovation ecosystem in Europe for healthcare”. Prof. Malas served as Minister of Health of the Republic of Cyprus and, during the Cyprus Presidency of the European Union, as Chair of both the European Council of Ministers of Health and the Competitiveness Council for Research.

Prof. Stavros Malas previously held the position of Professor of Genetics and Development at the University of Nicosia and led the effort for establishing the first Veterinary Medicine Program in Cyprus as Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine.

Prof. Didier Roux, New Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Cyprus Institute
Prof. Didier Roux currently serves as the Delegate for Scientific Information and Communication at the Académie des Sciences. Prof. Roux also served as the Vice President of Research & Development and Innovation and Director of Innovation of the Saint-Gobain Group in France and he is a member of the French Academy of Sciences. A chemist by training, he has explored various facets of science and its interfaces (chemistry, physics, biology, industry, etc.) and has been awarded many prizes and distinctions including the Grand Prix IBM materials, the Grand Prix of the French Academy of Sciences Mergier Bourdeix and the Silver Medal of CNRS.
Prof. Costas N. Papanicolas, Departing Founding President of The Cyprus Institute
Prof. Costas N. Papanicolas, CyI Institute Professor and CEO of The Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CREF), is a nuclear physicist with over 35 years of experience as a researcher, an educator and a scientific administrator at the University of Illinois and the University of Athens. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, member of the European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea) and Founding member of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences Letters and Arts. He is also the Advisor to the President of the Republic of Cyprus and Special Envoy on Climate Change.
Prof. Dan-Olof Riska, Departing Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Cyprus Institute

Prof. Dan-Olof Riska is an Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Helsinki. He has served as Treasurer and as President of the Finnish Society of Science and Letters. He also served as Vice President of the CERN Council, as well as Director of the Helsinki Institute of Physics. His research experience covers a wide field of theoretical and applied physics, including geophysics. He is a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, the Finnish Society of Science and Letters, the Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences, the Finnish Academy of Science, as well as of the American Physical Society. He has served as vice president of the European Academies Science Advisory Council and on scientific advisory committees in several countries and the editorial boards of several scientific journals.



  • Last modified on Friday, 03 February 2023 11:48

In a First for Cyprus, CyI Receives Funding from Prestigious Wellcome Trust to Predict the Effects of Climate Change on Insect-borne Diseases


The Cyprus Institute (CyI) has received a Digital Technology Development Award in climate sensitive infectious disease modelling by the prestigious Wellcome Trust foundation in the UK. The project is led by Dr Kamil Erguler of CyI’s Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) and focuses on the impact of climate change on the spread and abundance of mosquitoes and other insect vectors of human diseases.
“VEClim” project aims to develop a computational tool that can assess the risk of transmission of such diseases in the future, aiding targeted vector and disease management. The project has a duration of five years and a budget of over half million Euros. It is the first such award the Wellcome Trust has ever made directly to a Cypriot institution.
Climate warming changes the habitable zones of disease-carrying insects that originate in the tropics, such as the notorious tiger mosquito, to countries where cold winter conditions previously prevented their spreading. This in turn increases the risk of transmission of diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and West Nile fever. CyI has been among the first to develop computational models of complex life activities that can predict the habitat suitability and abundance of disease vectors that are sensitive to environmental factors and climate change.
The models and predictions produced by the researchers will be made available to the public, policy makers and other stakeholders. A repository of climate relevant risk assessment tools will be developed through the high-performance supercomputing environment of CyI, providing a user-friendly, interactive web-based geographic information and decision support platform. The predictions will inform the public and contribute to global-to-local strategies of vector management, and help with efficient, cost-effective, and ecologically sound and sustainable vector control measures to put a stop to infectious disease spreading.
Read the official Wellcome Trust press release.
  • Last modified on Thursday, 22 December 2022 16:15

Season’s Greetings from CyI as we Celebrate 15 Years of Achievements in Research and Innovation



As 2022 comes to an end, we mark fifteen years of operations for The Cyprus Institute. Starting in 2007 and with only a handful of employees, The Cyprus Institute has grown tremendously, demonstrating again and again its keen ability to successfully conduct cutting edge scientific research.
Early on, the founders of the institute recognized the unique geopolitical location of Cyprus as the southern and eastern-most state of the European Union, and envisioned CyI as an important research resource to help transform Cyprus into a knowledge-based economy and as a gateway between the European Union and the Eastern Mediterranean - Middle East, advancing the welfare of the island and the region.
Today, CyI boasts almost 300 staff from 30 countries and, to date, we have received competitive funding exceeding 75 million euros from national and international funding sources, many of them prestigious projects funded by the European Union such as a WIDESPREAD Teaming Excellence Center, Advanced Grants from the European Research Council (ERC), European Research Area Chairs (ERA Chairs), Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Joint Doctorates (EJD), and others.
This year, CyI also launched its latest research center, bringing the total number of its fundamental research units to five:
  • Energy, Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC) (Est. 2007)
  • Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC, Est. 2008)
  • Computation-Based Science and Technology Research Center (CASTORC, Est. 2008)
  • Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C, Est. 2020)
  • Science and Technology Driven Policy and Innovation Research Center (STeDI-RC, Est. 2022)
Through our know-how and expertise, we also support the work of the government in areas such as energy policy, tackling the energy and climate crisis, environmental monitoring, archeology and cultural heritage preservation, water resources management, and education.
In parallel with its research direction, the Institute places huge emphasis and actively pursues projects in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship where many of our efforts are already beginning to bear fruit - today we count 5 startups, 3 patents and 10 innovation and entrepreneurship projects, that promote competitiveness, job creation and economic development.
In 2022 in particular, the Institute was highly successful in all aspects of its operations. We received record amount in scientific funding – a total of 13.5 million euros were secured for research projects.
Last but not least, our graduate school has been expanding its graduate program portfolio, now offering six unique postgraduate programs at the Master's and Doctoral level to selected students from all over the world. We currently number 95 students and 20 nationalities, studying in areas such as Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences, Computational Sciences, Simulation and Data Science, and Digital Cultural Heritage.
As 2022 comes to an end, we look forward to a new year with even more successes, and all of us here at The Cyprus Institute send our warmest wishes for the holiday season to our friends and collaborators.
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 28 December 2022 08:28

Prof. Thilo Rehren, A.G. Leventis Professor for Archaeological Sciences, Awarded "Cyprus Research Prize - Distinguished Researcher 2022" for Social Sciences and Humanities


At a ceremony on Friday, 16 December 2022, Prof. Thilo Rehren, the A.G. Leventis Professor for Archaeological Sciences at The Cyprus Institute, was awarded the "Cyprus Research Prize - Distinguished Researcher 2022" prize for his contributions to science in the thematic section “Social sciences and humanities” at the "Cyprus Innovation and Research Awards 2022", organized jointly by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) and the Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB).

The main objective of the Research Prizes is to highlight the work and character of scientists who are active in the field of research in Cyprus, and who have significant and internationally recognized achievements. At the same time, the awarding of the Cyprus Research Prizes, which the Research Promotion Foundation established in 2007, highlight the personalities of researchers working in Cyprus, making their research work which already has international reach and significant impact on the wider scientific community, to become more widely known to the general public.
In his acceptance speech, Prof. Rehren emphasized the importance of collaborative interdisciplinary research, which is essential for archaeology and archaeological sciences. "I fondly remember the warm welcome I received when I first arrived in Sept 2017, not only at the Cyprus Institute, but also by the late Professor Vassos Karageorghis, and my colleagues at the Archaeological Research Unit at the University, particularly Prof. Vasiliki Kassianidou, as well as the Director of the Department of Antiquities, Dr Marina Solomidou-Ieronymidou and her staff. We now all collaborate in many projects, and this award tonight reflects our common enthusiasm, and is a strong encouragement for the archaeological sciences in Cyprus", he said. He dedicated his award to the memory of Dr Myrto Georgakopoulou, a leading archaeological scientist, who first introduced him to the archaeometallurgy of the Eastern Mediterranean and passed away the day before this award, aged 46.
Prof. Rehren received his Master’s degree in Mineralogy from the Technical University Clausthal in 1984 and his PhD in Petrology from Freiburg University in 1988. After a decade working at the German Mining Museum he joined the UCL Institute of Archaeology in London in 1999 as its inaugural Chair in Archaeological Materials and Technologies.
He joined The Cyprus Institute in 2017, where he served for five years as Director of the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC). In September 2018 he was appointed A.G. Leventis Professor for Archaeological Sciences, a position he holds to this day. Under the guidance of Prof. Rehren, STARC has evolved into a leading center for Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean, collaborating with a wide range of academic institutions, colleagues and stakeholders in the scientific communities of Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean.
Prof. Rehren also holds a Visiting Professorship at the University of Science and Technology in Beijing (USTB) as well as an honorary research affiliation at the University of Cambridge. Among many other projects, he has analysed the metalwork from the Terracotta Army of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of China in Xi’an, and the iconic gold mask and golden sarcophagus from the tomb of Tutankhamen, in Cairo, Egypt. His students hold leading academic positions in the US, UK, Europe, Africa and Asia, incl. China. Since moving to Cyprus, he is focussing his research on the study of early glass and metal production in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean, and on further developing the research capacity of STARC.


Thilo Rehren YouTube Award Biography Cookies Not Accepted

Cyprus Research and Innovation Awards 2022 - Prof Thilo Rehren - Biography

Thilo Rehren YouTube Award Biography Cookies Not Accepted

Cyprus Research and Innovation Awards 2022 - Prof Thilo Rehren - Award Acceptance Speech



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