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Summer Internships

The 2025 summer intenship program is now open and accepting applications. 

Internships Banner 

Through the Summer Internship Program, The Cyprus Institute Graduate School aims to expose young talented students and scholars to an international research experience and to encourage and inspire them in the pursuit of a scientific career. Interns will have a unique opportunity to carry out research at the institute's state-of-the-art facilities supervised by a mentor and to be introduced to the use of the latest methods and techniques.  

During the application process, students will have the option to either: 

(1) suggest a project of interest* or
*students who propose their own suggested project must note that this will be considered, provided that the institute has the capacity in terms of supervision and facilities 

(2) select one project from the table below (additional projects may be added to the list)

Applications are welcome from candidates worldwide with a keen interest and a relevant scientific background. 

Students who are accepted to the program will be assigned to one project. 

All applicants will be asked to justify their selection in a 300-word statement on the online application form.

Summer Internship Projects

Thematic Domain Computational Physics – lattice QCD 
Project Title Development of algorithms and analysis of large-scale simulations of lattice QCD
Start Date 1st July 2025
End Date 31st August 2025
Learning Objectives of the Internship  - Evaluate new simulation methods in lattice QCD such as tempering and gradient flow
 - Evaluate solver algorithms related to multi-grid methods, such as multiple right-hand-side solvers
 - Analyse nucleon structure data obtained from such large-scale simulations
Expected Outcomes

 - Obtain experience on state-of-the-art European Supercomputers

 - Ability to identify new simulation methods in lattice QCD suitable for these systems

 - Experience in statistical analysis, such as evaluating statistical and systematic errors in observables obtained from Monte Carlo simulations

Requirements to be eligible to apply  - Background in physics (e.g. carrying out BSc)
 - Experience programming (e.g. in python, C, C++)
Project Mentor Dr. Simone Bacchio, Dr. Giannis Koutsou
Other CyI people involved Dr. Constantia Alexandrou, Dr. Ferenc Pittler
Remote Option On site
Financial Aid Available A stipend may be offered 

Thematic Domain  X-ray Micro-computed Tomography (microCT)
Project Title High Resolution MicroCT of Porous Material using Micro-focus X-ray Source
Start Date July 15, 2025
End Date September 15, 2025
Learning Objectives of the Internship The intern will develop the understanding of three dimensional imaging for porous material characterization using the X-ray microCT technique
Expected Outcomes Quantitative information about the pores in the material of interest from the domain such as geology, life sciences, civil engineering, additive manufacturing will provide the  understanding of the properties of the material which are influenced by the porosity
Requirements to be eligible to apply  Masters in Physics/ Chemistry/Life Sciences/ Geology, Civil/ Mechanical Engineering or any other relevant field
Project Mentor Dr. Anis Fatima, Dr Kirsi Lorentz
Other CyI people involved -
Remote Option This project will be offered both on-site and remotely (as per instructions of Mentors)
Financial Aid Availalbe No

Thematic Domain  Human Bioarchaeology; Synchrotron Radiation and microCT enabled approaches
Project Title Late Bronze Age Hala Sultan Tekke Human Bioarchaeological Excavations and Science and Technology in archaeological human remains research
Start Date May 5, 2025
End Date 5 June (excavation period only); 27 Jun 2025 (for Science and Technology/microCT/Synchrotron Radiation approaches internship component)
Learning objectives of internship Advanced Human Bioarchaeological excavation and field documentation, recovery, analysis; advanced scientific and technological approaches to human bioarchaeological remains,  e.g. synchrotron radiation enabled approaches (SR-FTIR, SR-XRF, XAFS, SXCT), laboratory microCT, 3D documentation, etc
Expected Outcomes 1) Advanced (postgraduate) level understanding and skills in Human Bioarchaeological research, both in the field and in the laboratory
2) Understanding of use of science and technology in Human Bioarchaeology: microCT and synchrotron radiation enabled approaches
3) For those who wish: PhD research topics available in the domains covered by the internship/on archaeological human remains from Late Bronze Age Hala Sultan Tekke/science & technology in Human Bioarchaeology
Requirements to be eligible to apply  Required: Familiarity with human skeletal anatomy (ability to identify human skeletal elements)
Preferred (but not necessary): plans to undertake (or ongoing) studies in Human Bioarchaeology at graduate level (Masters/PhD)
NB. mature students and domain professionals (familiar with human skeletal anatomy) also accepted
Project Mentor Dr. Kirsi Lorentz
Other CyI people involved Dr. Anis Fatima, BioMERA Platform microCT Senior Research Technical Specialist
Remote Option On site; in the field
Financial Aid Available  No

Additional projects may be added to the above table periodically 


Program Length

The internships will be of approximately 8 weeks duration. Students may have the option to change the duration of the program in consultation with the project mentor.  

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:

Be undergraduate or graduate students or recent graduates with an excellent academic background and a strong interest in research (prior lab or modelling experience is considered an advantage)
Have strong communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to adapt to a multicultural/multinational environment
Have good knowledge of oral and written English
See possible additional requirements under each project 

Application Process

Applications should be submitted through the online internship application.  The following supporting documents must be uploaded when filling out the online application:

Copy of national ID or passport
Curriculum Vitae 
University transcripts. All transcripts to date should be included.
English Language Proficiency Certificate. This may either be a letter from the student’s university verifying that their degree program is offered in English, or if the degree is not offered at an English- medium institution, students should provide a certificate verifying English language proficiency (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, GCSE/IGCSE etc.).  If applicants have not taken any tests demonstrating English language proficiency and have not studied/ are not studying at an English- medium institution, they may state it on the application.

Students will need to write a 300- word statement in the online application justifying their choice of project selected by stating why their background and qualifications are a good match for the project they are applying for. Students will be assigned to one project.

If, for any serious reason, the applicant needs to attend a shorter or longer program, they should explain why in the justification.

Application Deadline

Applications for the summer internship program closed on May 30th (with the exception of some projects which may close earlier- please see each project individually for details). Projects will be listed as closed once spaces are filled. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible to secure the position of their interest as the applications will be assessed on a rolling basis.

Application Form

Click here to access the Internship Application Form

Financial Aid

The Cyprus Institute Graduate School Summer Internship program focuses on providing students a unique training experience through bespoke projects related to applicant’s field of study and research interests thus are not considered to be job placements and do not come with compensation.

A limited number of the projects may provide a small stipend based on merit and availability of funds. This information is available under each project listing.  


For more information, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies at tel: +357 22 208614 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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