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DARECLIMED consists of seven Work Packages. See for detailed information the attached file.

WP1: Management
This Work Package includes the steering and supervision of the project and the monitoring of its progress; it will rely largely on the Steering Committee of DARECLIMED. It also addresses communication with the EC, as well as communication and coordination between partners, and in particular the setting up of an on-line collaborative platform. It will also involve reporting, both internally and  to the EC, and the assessment of advancement and results. The governance of the project will be based on a Consortium Agreement, providing in particular a conflict resolution process.

WP2: Identification and structure of existing data repositories
WP2 aims to identify and commit national/regional data holders and institutions through local/national workshops and to inform and engage key stakeholders in the study region as well. It will collaborate with international and European projects/initiatives engaged in comparable endeavors.

WP3: Data repository, quality and procedures
WP3 aims to specify all issues related to the technical infrastructure for the planned data repository and to install a dedicated Task Force that will define standards and procedures for data standards and data exchange. In addition, procedures for quality assurance, quality control and the homogenization of data from various sources will be specified. A user-friendly software for data mining and analysis will be developed and a repository for existing regional climate models and related simulation results will be implemented.

WP4: Data ownership, security, intellectual property, sharing mechanisms
The main objective of WP4 is to install a dedicated Task Force that specifies legal aspects of data ownership, security, intellectual property and, sharing mechanisms. It aims, also, to engage international organizations with expertise in legal issues of data sharing and data exchange, as well as stakeholders who could potentially contribute data in a dialog regarding legal issues of data sharing. Workshops on these issues in countries of the DARECLIMED study region will be carried out.

WP5: Coordination of supporting infrastructures
In WP5 we will explore the necessary technical conditions for the creation of the envisioned DARECLIMED data repository and we will liaise with our colleagues from the Computation Based Science and Technology Center (CaSToRC) of the Cyprus Institute and the Cy-Tera project to outline possible synergistic potentials in realizing a data repository as envisioned in DARECLIMED.

WP6: International Conference on Data Infrastructures for Climate Change Research
This work package aims to organize an International Conference on Data Infrastructures for Climate Change Research in Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean and will publish the Proceedings of the International Conference. It will possibly be held in Cyprus or Crete towards the end of the project, and will last for three days, bringing together around 100 participants, including 16 invited speakers from Cyprus, the Middle-East, Northern Africa and Europe.

WP7: Dissemination and outreach
In WP7 we will reach out in order to inform about the rational for, as well as, the major goals and objectives of DARECLIMED and disseminate the major results and the methodologies developed for the creation of a data repository as envisioned in DARECLIMED.

Detailed information and description of Work Packages is included in the attached file.

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