Visit by Communauté de Communes Erdre & Gesvres Delegation to Discuss on Risks in the Human Health and Water Scarcity Due to the Climate Change
The CCEG delegation visited Cyprus and the Institute included CCEG President Mr. Yvon Lerat, CCEG Director Mr. Dominique Garnier, Pt CiCé Agency Mr. Yves Tournier, Managing Director CiCé Agence Mr. Olivier Paressant, CEO Biomnigène Mr. Alexandre Douablin, SG Médurable Mrs. Natacha Holtz, and Coordinator Mr. Jean Paul Dussausse.
On Wednesday 14th of June, the delegation from Communauté de Communes Erdre & Gesvres continued their technical cooperation visit to The Cyprus Institute where they met with the Acting Director of the Water Development Department (WDD) in Cyprus, Mrs. Lia Georgiou, and the technical team of the WDD.
Mrs. Georgiou presented the Water Strategy of Cyprus and further explained that Cyprus being part of the EU countries is following the EU Water Framework Directive and has incorporated its national legislations to WFD. Another significant aspect of the presentation focused on the Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects of the WDD and finally Mrs. Georgiou concluded with a brief description of the water education and awareness component of the WDD. Mr. Kostas Aristeidou, the Coordinator of Division of Hydrology & Hydrogeology at WDD, later presented the new Flood Risk Management Plan of Cyprus and the corresponding maps.
As a major component of the ECOMED Academy, in which Cyprus is a key member, a prospective collaboration between the two state partners on water resources management was discussed, and will turn into concrete agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding, in the near future .
Moreover, the French Delegation was hosted by the French Embassy in Cyprus and was received by H.E. Mrs Salina Grenet-Catalano, and the Director of the French Institute in Cyprus, Mr. Eric Tosatti. The French Ambassador recognized the significance of this initiative engineered by The Cyprus Institute where a French amalgamation of municipalities (Communauté de Communes Erdre & Gesvres) is establishing a technical collaboration in Cyprus. The envisaged cooperation will cover several sectors and aspects including Water, Health and Energy in addition to the Climate Change.
The visit concluded on Thursday, 15th of June, with a wrap up meeting with Dr. Olga Pilakouta, Chief Medical Officer at the Ministry of Health Cyprus. The Communauté de Communes Erdre & Gesvres discussed possible collaboration on water quality monitoring though ECOMED Academy.