CyI Representatives Participate in the Global Forum, Muscat Oman
Between the 16th and 20th of October 2022, representatives of the CyI Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office, Anixi Antonakoudi and the Center of Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture (STARC), PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant Valentina Vassallo, have participated in the Global Forum - Shaping the Future in Muscat, Oman. The theme that was addressed entitled “DIGITAL DYNAMICS & GLOBAL SOCIETAL CHALLENGES: New Realities of Disruption and Resilience”.
The scientists of The Cyprus Institute have presented, through past and ongoing case studies and projects, multi-/ cross- disciplinary approaches combining open innovation, participatory & co-design methods, digital technologies and science to address critical issues of sustainability through the lense of environmental and social resilience in Cyprus.
This years’ forum was organised under the high patronage of OPAL, the Oman Society for Petroleum Services and in collaboration with the Water and Humanity multi-stakeholder platform.
The Global Forum - Shaping the Future, is an annual, international, high-level, not-for-profit think-tank dedicated to the main technological, economic, social, societal, political and ethical issues and challenges that affect the evolution of our digital society. It is often considered as “the Davos of ICT”, and gathers every year more than 250 international experts; national, regional and local policy makers, private and public companies and organizations, academics, NGOs from more than thirty countries around the world. Since 1992, the Global Forum is a connector of people and ideas and a catalyst for new thinking and projects across the globe.