SWATCH: Strategies for Increasing the Water Use Efficiency of Semi-arid Mediterranean Watersheds and Agrosilvopastoral Systems Under Climate Change
The overarching goal of SWATCH is to develop and apply innovative methodologies to increase the social-ecological water use efficiency of managed ecosystems along the Mediterranean biome and climate types. We will focus on a diverse set of seasonally dry ecosystems, spanning a large gradient of mean annual rainfall (from 35 to 935 mm/y) across the Mediterranean biome. Case studies will examine the Mediterranean Sea basin from west to east and north to south providing the exceptional opportunity to develop, Identify and compare water resources management and planning strategies for contrasting climate conditions in the Mediterranean region.
We will define innovative strategies for the water sustainability in the Mediterranean region under current and future climate change scenarios, optimizing water infrastructure (e.g., reservoirs, wells network design) and water uses (irrigation, animal production systems, drinking and industrial activities). Strategies will be defined with stakeholders and government authorities, which will be actively involved in the project. To improve predictive technical tools for water resources assessment, we propose to develop innovative methodologies and techniques to better estimate evapotranspiration, the main parameter of the water budget in semi-arid and arid climates. To do so we propose to combine the use of eddy covariance and tree sapflow observations. In addition, advanced technical tools (remote sensing observations) will be developed to monitor the main state variables explaining energy and water balance at the land surface, and to include those observations in data assimilation systems to predict watershed hydrological cycles.
Adriana Bruggeman | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 22 208 620
Hakan Djuma | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +357 22 208 607
Additional Info
- Acronym: SWATCH
- Website:
- Center: EEWRC
- Funding Source: PRIMA Section 2, funded by the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation
- CyI Funding: € 79,297
- Starting Date: 01/01/2020
- End Date: 30/06/2023
- Coordinator: Universita' di Cagliari, Italy
Ente Acque della Sardegna (Italy)
Agenzia forestale regionale per lo sviluppo del territorio e l'ambiente della Sardegna (Italy)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Hydraulique (Algeria)
The Cyprus Institute (Cyprus)
Ain Shams University (Egypt)
INRA Bordeaux Sciences Agro UMR 1391 (France)
University of Tunis El Manar (Tunisia)