Digital Ancient Cypriot Literature (DACL) Attracts Global Interest
As part of Dioptra: The Edmée Leventis Digital Library for Cypriot Culture, Digital Ancient Cypriot Literature (DACL). The Project went online few months ago. Ever since it has attracted more than 41000 visitors from various countries from around the globe. These visits show interest in the study of Ancient Cypriot literature but also the usefulness of CyI’s digital library. It is anticipated that this interest will continue as CyI is further developing the educational aspects of the project, to effectively utilize the digital library for learning and schoolwork.
The Digital Ancient Cypriot Literature library provides an intelligent search of ancient words and concepts, Modern Greek translation, philological commentary, hyperlinking with electronic dictionaries and bibliography and it also incorporates innovative digital technologies, applications and visual material to enrich the exploration of ancient texts. Moreover, digital maps and images, chronologies and three-dimensional representations available in the library incorporate archaeological material and historical knowledge.
This effort comprises the first module of Dioptra, which provides a digital platform that develops in modules dedicated to in the study of various aspects of Cypriot cultural heritage. Dioptra was recently featured and presented at the Drupal 'New York Camp' hosted by the United Nations in New York receiving acclaim at a foremost international forum of experts. The advanced framework of Dioptra fosters collaborations with major Cultural Heritage stakeholders in the region creating a unique and wide research network with an extraordinary momentum for future activities. Other modules will follow concerning projects such as on the History and Culture of Cypriot Medieval Coinage and Cypriot Antiquities in Foreign Museums: Pittas Registry and the work of Byzantine Artist Theodore Apseudis.