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CyI to Provide Scientific Support to the Government of Cyprus for the Implementation of the European Green Deal


Photo: Stirling Dishes installed in collaboration with Strojirny Bohdalice at CyI’s PROTEAS research facility in Pentakomo, converting solar energy to electricity and heat

Building on the collaboration of The Cyprus Institute (CyI) with public authorities on topics related to Climate Change, energy and environmental challenges over the last decade, the Cypriot government assigned to the Institute its scientific support for the implementation of the European Green Deal in Cyprus.

The need for science-based policy advice has become particularly evident in view of the recent adoption of the European Climate Law by EU leaders and the relevant policy proposals published by the European Commission (“Fit-for-55” package). Realizing that the increasingly ambitious EU energy and climate policy will have economy-wide impacts, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus approved the proposal of the Finance Ministry (Directorate General for European Programs, Coordination and Development) to launch this project with a duration of up to eight years, co-funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds.

Beyond the Finance Ministry, CyI’s scientific support will extend to the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, and the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works. The four Ministries are creating a Steering Committee that will outline the specific policy support needs each year and will monitor the project outcomes on a regular basis.

In this context, CyI will conduct technoeconomic, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit and multi-criteria analyses for selecting the most appropriate measures for climate change mitigation, perform socio-economic impact assessments of these measures, and propose a framework to align the national long-term economic strategy with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as foreseen in the European Commission’s Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy.

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