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META-Sat: Modeling of Emissions, Trends and Air quality, Using Satellite Measurements

The METASat Project is supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), from 1-6-2018 to 31-5- 2020.

Cyprus is located in the eastern Mediterranean, an environmentally intriguing area that is subject to complex air pollution conditions, and has to be prepared for many climatic challenges. Air quality assessment and forecasting is an essential tool in strengthening the country’s adaptation strategy, providing relevant information to sectors such as agriculture and tourism, helping reduce health related financial and human life costs, as well as establishing a core national priority axis for knowledge outreach to neighbouring countries. In the METASat project we develop and apply methodologies to utilize satellite data and provide the mathematical tools needed for studying the air quality in the region, and offer the data on the basis of which mitigation and adaptation strategies are developed. The work provides the atmospheric scientists at the Cyprus Institute (CyI) advanced theoretical and technical knowledge to utilize satellite data in air quality modelling. The use of current and next generation satellite information can open a new area in operational forecasting through i) updating emissions with up-to-date information from space, ii) providing initial conditions for the concentrations of the monitored pollutants for regional and local air quality forecasting and iii) identify and investigate significant atmospheric and chemical processes, both of continuous and episodic nature, with spatially and temporally consistent space monitoring. This supports national and regional authorities to improve awareness, preparedness, and implement control strategies.

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Prof  Jos Lelieveld

Dr Jonilda Kushta

Tel. +357 222 08700 +357 222 08 693


Additional Info

  • Acronym: META-Sat
  • Center: EEWRC
  • Funding Source: European Space Agency
  • CyI Funding: 170.500€
  • Funding Period: 24 months
  • Starting Date: June 2018
  • End Date: May 2020
  • Coordinator: The Cyprus Institute
  • Partners: n/a

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