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DCH 404 Scientific Reading & Advanced Academic Writing (Part A & Part B)

Course Title

Scientific Reading & Advanced Academic Writing (A & B)

Course Code

DCH 404

Course Type




Year / Semester

1st / 1st  and 2nd (Subject to change)

Instructor’s Name

Nikolas Bakirtzis (lead instructor)



Lectures / week

1 (3h)

Laboratories / week


Course Purpose and Objectives

The course will provide students the opportunity to critically develop their understanding of scientific articles and research writing skills focusing on topics related to their interests and work. The seminar is designed to help them prepare for the final stage of the M.Sc. program, which is the writing of a final Thesis. Students will be provided with essays and articles on how to improve their writing as well as a series of assignments and class presentations aligned with their particular interests and work. Instructors will offer constructive feedback aimed at improving students’ writing output.

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn how to effectively express research arguments in writing, to reference and footnote their work, to compile bibliographies and overall how to properly compile a written Thesis.



 Requirements  -

Course Content

The first semester (Part A) will be dedicated to: Introduction to the course, goals, methods; reading scientific articles; Developing an argument; Research results and archival work; Part B of the course will be devoted to: Structuring a research essay/ thesis; References and footnotes; Class writing assignment; Presentations; Conclusion, course wrap-up.

Teaching Methodology

Lectures, Exercises


  1. Stuart Greene and April Lidinsky. From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Practical Guide
  2. Andrew P. Johnson. A Short Guide to Academic Writing
  3. Susan Miller-Cochran, Roy Stamper and Stacey Cochran. An Insider’s Guide to Academic Writing: A Rhetoric and a Reader
  4. William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White. The Elements of Style
  5. Lawrence A. Machi and Brenda T. McEvoy. The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success


75% exam; 25% coursework



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