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CyI’s Important Contributions to the Excavation Work at Keros Detailed in New Interview With STARC’s Evi Margaritis

In an extended interview with the Kathimerini Newspaper, STARC Asst. Professor Evi Margaritis provides more details regarding the contributions of The Cyprus Institute team to the excavation work at Keros, particularly in the analysis of the soil that was examined in great detail for tiny clues in the form of burnt seeds, phytoliths (plant remnants preserved as silica), burnt wood, and animal and fish bones. Lipid and starch analysis on pottery and grinding stones is giving clues about food production and consumption. Plant remains have been recovered in carbonised form, predominantly pulses and fruits such as grape, olives, figs and almonds, but also cereals such as emmer wheat and barley.

The excavations on Keros are leading the charge of technical innovation in Aegean archaeology. All data are recorded digitally, using a new system called iDig – an app that runs on Apple’s iPads. For the first time in the Aegean, not only data from the excavation, but the results of study in the laboratory are all recorded in the same system, meaning that anyone on the excavation has access to all available data in real time. Three dimensional models are created at every stage in the digging process using a technique called photogrammetry; at the end of each season the trenches are recorded in detail by The Cyprus Institute’s laser scanning team.

Read the full article (in Greek) here

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