Elena Louca

Elena Louca

Position Email Telephone
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow +357 22 208 700
Elena Louca is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) at The Cyprus Institute. She has research expertise in Applied Complex Analysis and in developing new mathematical methods motivated by real-world applications. Her current research focuses on regional air quality modelling and the investigation of the land/sea breeze phenomenon.
Prior to taking up this position, she was a Senior Research Fellow working in Applied Mathematics at the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of the Department of Mathematics at UCL.  She holds a PhD (2016) and an MSc (2012) in Applied Mathematics from Imperial College London.
Elena has worked on various mathematical methods, particularly in Complex Analysis, including transform methods such as the Unified Transform method, the Wiener–Hopf method, Riemann–Hilbert problems, function theory, and conformal mapping theory. She has developed analytical and quasi-analytical techniques using complex variables to solve problems in fluid dynamics, plane elasticity, diffraction theory and, more recently, meteorology.

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