Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Natasa Pilidou, Visits PROTEAS
The Minister and delegation visiting the Solar field at PROTEAS
On Tuesday, 20th of September 2022, the Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Natasa Pilidou and a delegation including the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mr. Marios Panayides, the Energy Specialist, Mr. George Partasides, and Ministry Officer, Mrs. Miranda Lysandrou, visited the Platform for Research, Observation and Technology Applications in Solar Energy (PROTEAS) Facilities of The Cyprus Institute in Pentakomo, on the outskirts of Limassol.
Mrs. Pilidou, noted that the visit was a unique opportunity for her to identify and highlight the important work being carried out at PROTEAS. “Within the framework of initiatives with international ramifications, such as the East Mediterranean Gas Forum of which our country presides this year, and through the integration of The Cyprus Institute’s actions, and especially the technologies developed in PROTEAS, CyI can play a crucial role in contributing to Cyprus independence from conventional fuels, as well as in ameliorate the effects of climate change in our region”, she added.
The Minister also stated that in Cyprus for example, storage systems can be implemented, which are not only produced here, but are also the cheapest currently available worldwide. In addition, there is also the possibility of creating small grid systems, which do not depend on the rest of the grid, so that in this way the energy communities in Cyprus can rely exclusively or almost exclusively on renewable energy sources, and can use storage technology, so that to operate without interruptions throughout the day.
Hosting the meeting was The Cyprus Institute’s President, Professor Costas N. Papanicolas, in the presence of CyI Assistant Vice President of Policy and Internal Communications, Mrs. Eleni Sophocleous, CyI Adjunct Prof. Thanasis Hadzilacos, CyI Associate Research Scientist, Dr Nestor Fylaktos, and Head of PROTEAS Operations Facility, Dr Marios C. Georgiou.
The delegation was given a brief presentation about PROTEAS pioneering operations, research and activities, aiming to benefit society in the wider region by Dr Georgiou, as well as Dr Fylaktos fully informed the Minister about the cooperation of CyI’s research team on energy with the authorities. The Climate Change Initiative (EMME-CCI) and the effects of climate change in Cyprus and the wider Mediterranean and Middle East Region were outlined to the Minister by Mrs. Sophocleous.
Thanking the Minister for her visit, CyI President, Prof. Papanicolas, noted that it was a very fruitful and productive discussion on issues concerning the actions of PROTEAS and CyI in general, as well as issues of research, technology and innovation, which highlight the environmental scope of Cyprus. “Our existing excellent cooperation with the Ministry of Energy can be strengthen, as well as CyI’s contributions to the work of the Ministry itself”, said Prof. Papanicolas.
Additionally, Prof. Papanicolas had the chance to share CyI’s vision to become an International Center of Excellence in the field of Solar Thermal Energy and Desalination. Mrs. Pilidou expressed her Ministry’s full support to the CyI pioneering programs that address energy and environmental issues.
The delegation was also given a guided tour of the facility led by Dr Marios Georgiou, and Mrs. Pilidou expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to visit the unique facilities of PROTEAS, and congratulated all CyI personnel for their impressive and innovative work and research achievements.
Inaugurated in October 2015, PROTEAS Facility is the largest research infrastructure in Cyprus. Its mission is to pursue research, development of solar technologies, as well as testing of Renewable Energy Sources with emphasis on Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST), Thermal Energy Storage (TES) and Thermal Desalination of Sea Water (DSW) for bridging the gap between fundamental research and industrial needs.
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