Green Transition Through Solar Energy: Path to a Greener Future
The Cyprus Institute, in collaboration with the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus, the Embassy of Spain in Cyprus, and the Commissioner of the Environment organised a workshop entitled “Progressing in Green Transition: Advancing the Clean Energy Agenda Through Industrial Applications of Solar Energy”. The event took place at CyI’s premises, on Friday, 1st of December 2023, in the presence of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mrs. Annita Demetriou.
The workshop provided a platform for stakeholders to discuss the progress made in achieving the objectives set by the European Union towards green transition, with a particular emphasis on the potential use of solar energy in industrial applications.
Given the priority placed on advancing the green transition by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the event highlighted the collaborative framework between Spain and Cyprus in policy, technology, know-how, and applications. Experts from both countries deliberated on policy issues, joint initiatives, and actions in the field of solar energy and energy storage. Additionally, the event showcased collaborative projects implemented in Cyprus by local research organizations and companies.
In his welcome address, CyI President, Prof. Stavros Malas, expressed the obligation for Cyprus, as an energy-isolated country, to engage in discussions towards the green transition. He emphasized the need for informed decisions in contrast to past erroneous policies and shared insights from CyI researchers. He highlighted the important role of solar energy for a country like Cyprus which, as he noted, if it was covered with photovoltaics, it could meet the entire energy needs of Europe.
In her speech, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mrs. Annita Demetriou, stressed the urgent need to adopt correct policies towards green transition, given Cyprus’ current lag. She stated that the people of Cyprus cannot continue to bear high penalty fees due to the failure to achieve the European Union's set goals.
Taking the floor, the Commissioner for the Environment, Mrs. Maria Panayiotou, highlighted the significant threat of climate change and stressed the necessity of transitioning to renewable energy sources. She added that the green transition should include adopting the circular economy and reducing electricity consumption.
Head of the Delegation of the European Commission in Cyprus, Mrs. Myrto Zambarta, noted that the transition to green energy aligns with a substantial part of the European Union’s Green Deal. She proposed setting a goal for every home, public building, and industrial unit to become energy self-sufficient.
The Ambassador of Spain to Cyprus, H.E. Mr. Gabriel Ferrán Carrión, congratulated The Cyprus Institute for co-organizing the workshop to provide a platform for the exchange of views, experiences, and policies on the green transition and the achievement of EU goals. He highlighted that green transition is a crucial pillar for Spain's presidency of the European Council.
Following the workshop, a panel discussion on the state of progress towards the European Union's goals for the Green Transition took place, featuring representatives of Ministries, academic and research institutions, private companies and societal stakeholders.