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Our Community

We are a very special place to work at, with staff from over 20 nationalities, with different religions, different cultures and different backgrounds, and yet we are all united by a common drive; to pursue and enable research excellence.

The CyI Companion is intended as a guide in helping us to understand how to conduct ourselves, treat others and expect to be treated and is based around the 7 core values of the CyI community which are Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, Respect, Integrity, Solidarity and Trust.

As a diverse and international community we have developed these shared values together over time; values which we believe can allow us to work together in greater harmony, without fear of discrimination, and to embrace our differences.

We hope that this guide proves useful in understanding the impact of our organisational culture at The Cyprus Institute, to which each one of us is contributing on a daily basis.

The Equal Opportunities sub-Committee on The CyI Companion (2019-2020)
Ms. Eleni Sophocleous, Ms. Christiana Melodias, Dr. Nicolas Jarraud, Ms. Avgi Stavrou

The list of the current members of the Equal Opportunities Committee 2024-2026 can be found here.