Visit of the Slovak Ambassadress at The Cyprus Institute
On Thursday, 5 June the Ambassadress of the Slovak Republic, H.E. Dr. Oksana Tomova visited The Cyprus Institute. Dr. Tomova attended a meeting with the President of the Institute, Prof. Costas N. Papanicolas and a group of researchers, where she was briefed about the work done at CyI. She expressed her interest to help in coordinating a strategic plan for the development of collaborations between The Cyprus Institute and Institutions from Central European countries like Czech and Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, and Poland. Besides, since Slovakia is closely collaborating with Northern European countries like the Netherlands, Sweden and Finland, could act as a bridge between these countries and Cyprus, and specifically The Cyprus Institute on areas of common scientific interest, areas that, as she said, the CyI has much-praised expertise.
The Ambassadress expressed her admiration for The Cyprus Institute’s remarkable achievements in various scientific fields, which highlight the regional nature of the Institute and establish it as a center of scientific excellence in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Dr. Oxana Tomova concluded her visit by expressing her willingness to develop more and more collaboration opportunities for The Cyprus Institute since there is fertile ground to exchange ideas, and develop joint actions to tackle various problems between Slovakia and Cyprus.
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