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A New Series of Articles on Climate Change Mitigation in the Mediterranean

The Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Middle East and North Africa of the German Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Konrad Adenauer Foundation; https://www.kas.de/en/) has published a new series of articles on Climate Change Mitigation in the Eastern Mediterranean. EEWRC’s Professor emeritus Manfred A. Lange, who also contributed two of the six papers in the sequence was the editor of this series.
The main intention behind this succession of papers has been to provide an overview on national efforts and policies of five countries in the eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel and Türkiye) to address the impacts of climate change through effective mitigation (and adaptation) strategies. While the proposed measures for most of the considered countries are instrumental in advancing reductions of greenhouse gas emissions on the national level, the need for more cooperation on the bi- and multilateral level, particularly in the context of- and in cooperation with the European Union’s Green Deal is strongly articulated in most of the papers.

The individual articles can be downloaded freely at the following sites:

  1. Manfred A. Lange (2023) The Climate Change Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus in the Context of the Water-Energy Nexus
  2. Tali Zohar and Tarek Abu Hamed (2023) Regional Cooperation for Mitigation of and Adaption to the Effects of Climate Change
  3. Agis Digkas (2023) Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean: Challenges of Climate Change and Key Opportunities
  4. Güven Sak (2023) The Decarbonisation Agenda in Türkiye, the European Union and the Eastern Mediterranean
  5. Jauad El Kharraz (2024) Mitigating the Mediterranean’s Climate Change Crisis: Egypt as a Case Study
  6. Manfred A. Lange (2024) Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption in the Mediterranean: Synthesis Report and Future Perspectives